Tea Tree vs. Manuka

There has been enough confusion about my Manuka products in Diana Ralys Skin Health line that I decided it was time to clarify the story. Manuka Toner and Manuka Cream are often called “honey toner” and “honey moisturizer” by my clients. Well, as my products are vegan, it would not be ethical to use honey in my products. 

What is the difference between Manuka Essential Oil and Manuka Honey?

Both products are made in New Zealand. Manuka honey is derived from bees pollinating the native Leptospermum tree. Manuka essential Oil on the other hand, is obtained from sustainably harvesting the leaves of the Manuka trees/flowers and extracting the oil through steam distillation. Manuka Essential Oil has antibacterial benefits that are about 100 times stronger than Manuka honey when compared gram for gram! Manuka essential oil is 100% vegan, while Manuka honey is an animal byproduct.

How does Manuka essential oil compare to Tea Tree essential oil?

When it comes to treating acne, many think that Tea Tree is the best to use. Well, Tea Tree is effective however, it can cause side effects such as chronic dryness. Manuka essential oil holds a smoother aroma and it does not cause skin irritation/dryness as the Tea Tree essential oil does. In addition, Manuka essential oil is 30 times stronger than Tea Tree Oil! Well, that makes Manuka a winner in my books!

Manuka essential oil benefits for skin

First of all, it is the most incredible oil that provides an effective antibacterial, anti-fungal, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory power. As Manuka Oil is filled with antibacterial properties, it's perfect for keeping the skin clear off any bacterial growth. This bacteria is often the cause behind unpleasant skin conditions such as blemishes and breakouts! Manuka Oil can also be used as an effective way to treat damaged skin and scarring caused by acne, as it works to promote the regeneration of new skin (improved cell turnover).

The test results between Manuka Oil and Tea Tree Oil

“Triketones, flavonoids, and other enzymes are what give essential oils their antimicrobial, antifungal, and antibacterial properties.

The Cawthron Institute in Nelson and the Otago University Microbiology Department have conducted extensive testing of East Cape manuka oil and tea tree oil against a wide range of human pathogens and concluded that East Cape manuka oil was:-

Manuka was 20 - 30 times more active than Australian tea tree oil against gram positive bacteria

  • Several times more effective against strains of fungi,

  • Effective against gram negative bacteria and viruses. “ https://manukarx.co.nz

As always, I do my diligent research before I select ingredients for my skin care products. In this case Manuka essential oil stood out above Tea Tree essential oil. I had no doubt Manuka is the better choice as it provides stronger antibacterial benefits and does not irritate or dry the skin.

Diana Ralys, LE, COE, HC

Skin Expert

Board Certified Holistic Drugless Practitioner

Master Reiki Practitioner and Teacher

Owner and Founder of Radiance Wellness Spa

Product formulator of Diana Ralys Skin Health

#1 Best Selling Author

Educator and Event Speaker