Why Am I Breaking Out?

Breakouts can occur due to internal or external factors. To start the process of tackling your breakouts you must first understand why your skin is breaking out. Take a look at the following contributing factors and see if you can see where your breakouts may be coming from:


Dairy, processed sugar and gluten are highly inflammatory foods that if your body does not know how to process will result in breakouts. Diary especially is a hard food for humans to digest. It contains an extreme amount of fat, sugar, and hormones that are meant to grow a 63 lb calf into a 1,500 lb cow in just 2 short years. We as humans don’t even compare to such growth. Meaning that extra influx of hormones causes great inflammation in our bodies. 

This client’s skin changed in front of our eyes. First photo was taken upon arrive. Second photo was taken after a 25 min Healing Earth Enkidu Meditation (redness has gone down). Third photo was taken the morning after sleeping with Oxygenation Adap…

This client’s skin changed in front of our eyes. First photo was taken upon arrive. Second photo was taken after a 25 min Healing Earth Enkidu Meditation (redness has gone down). Third photo was taken the morning after sleeping with Oxygenation Adaptogen Mask. Reducing stress via meditation and topical adaptogens from the mask cleared this client’s face in less than 24 hours.


Our bodies are under constant stress. However, it is important to differentiate the difference between short term and long term stress as well as chemical stress and emotional stress. 

-Short Term Stress-such as getting lost while driving

-Long Term Stress- such as an illness or a bad relationship with a coworker

-Chemical Stress- such as free radicals in our bodies

-Emotional Stress - worries that occur in our minds that can create anxiety

All of these stresses have an impact on our bodies, however, short term stresses and chemical stresses can be addressed quickly by either getting ourselves out of that situation or providing antioxidants for our bodies. Long term stress and mental stresses are harder to deal with and take a toll on our bodies in the long run. Our bodies are programmed to have a fight or flight response for our survival. If a car is coming at us we get an adrenaline rush (stress) to get out of the way… this is good and that chemical reaction will stop once we are out of danger. However, if we are in that contact stress induced state, our bodies cannot process an influx of hormones for a long period of time and then our immune system starts to shut down.


There are a few stages in our lives that we have an influx of hormones naturally, such as puberty, monthly cycles, pregnancy and later in life, menopause. Although hormone changes are most apparent in women, men can experience hormone imbalances as well (see a Holistic Doctor to test your hormone levels). You may also be altering your hormone levels with external forces such as added stress, medications, and diet. 

Topical products-

Quality of our beauty products impact the health of our skin. This can vary from skincare, makeup, hair products, laundry detergent, cleaning products, perfumes and more… Investigate the ingredient list on all the products that may touch your face or be around your face. If there are low quality/toxic ingredients in your products, your skin will react.

There are a multitude of ways that you can counteract breakouts. This may be a few tweaks here and there or may involve a lifestyle change. Depending on the severity of your current breakouts will depend how much you will need to do and how long the process will take to heal those breakouts.

Breakouts vs Acne.

It’s important to understand if you are breaking out or if you have acne. Breakouts occur infrequently and usually pop onto our skin overnight and can easily be taken care of overnight. Acne is another story, if you constantly have red, inflamed, even painful breakouts, those typically took time to develop and will take time to heal.

Irregular break-outs can be easily treated with topical skincare products and a few lifestyle changes. 

  1. After reading thoroughly through your ingredient lists of your products. Make sure you are using hydrating products and avoid dehydrating products. Stay up to date with your skincare routine at home.

  2. See a professional every 4-6 weeks for a maintenance facial

  3. For the ladies, if you are not willing to part ways with dairy, at least avoid it during your special time of the month since your body is already going through hormone changes

Regular breakouts that are red, inflamed, and painful require more diligence and professional help.

  1. Consult a Holistic Doctor. Internal tests should be conducted. For example blood work and allergy testing. Know that your skin is a gateway into understanding your internal health.

  2. Keep up to date with your skincare routine that was prescribed by your esthetician, this will help manage the breakouts topically.

  3. See a professional as often as weekly to manage breakouts

  4. Take a long look at your diet and see where unnecessary inflammation can be taken out

  5. Keep your stress about your skin to a minimum, you can easily fall into a trap of stressing over your skin condition which only can make it worse and which then makes you stress over it even more. Meditation and acceptance (with future goals of success) can help. Accept the situation you are in, meditate to manifest your skin goals and only then take action with love and grace.

  6. Know that this will take time but it is doable. Take action for your own skin’s health. A professional can help you guide in the right direction but you are your own best healer.

Always consult with an esthetician about what products you are using and how often you are using them. Over processing your skin while it is breaking out is very common. You may feel the need to “scrub it all off” which can irritate your skin further. 

Reach out to us via email to get a FREE online consultation. Hello.skinhealth@gmail.com

Here is a Step by Step guide how to do a mini facial at home for congested skin:

Kristina Vystartaite

Spa Director | Radiance Wellness Spa

Brand Executive | Diana Ralys Skin Health

Co-Author Cheers to Health

Certified in Sports Nutrition, Raw Foods, Vegan Foods, Herbalism