Diana Ralys Skin Health is formulated by skin therapist and expert, Diana Ralys. Diana's passion for skin care started in her teen years, as most teenagers she suffered from problematic skin and growing into her 20s she had extremely sensitive skin, also known as Rosacea. Based on the products that were on the market both in Europe [where she is from] and the US [where she was trained] she felt like her skin was doomed, products were either too "bland" and didn't work or too harsh with harmful chemicals as their active ingredients. Her skin therapists back in Europe and her teachers at esthetic school all claimed that she will only be able to use a few calming products for the rest of her life. If you know Diana’s personality, you know that she wasn’t going to stand for this. Diana wanted results and wanted them without compromising her health or the planet.

Diana Ralys Skin Health product line started in the treatment room. When Diana couldn't find the perfect product for her clients that both worked and was non-toxic, she created her own concoctions to use in the treatment room. It wasn't long before her clients craved those concoctions at home.

Formulated by a Professional

Have you ever wondered why most natural skin care products don't work? The answer is simple, most of them were made by companies or individuals that never professionally studied skin or ever worked as skin therapists. Diana is licensed esthetician and has been treating clients since 2004. Putting a formula together for a skincare product is much more than getting the product stable or feel or smell nice. One must understand the skin and its functions to be able to select ingredients to have a beneficial outcome.

Water in Skincare?

Have you noticed that you won’t find water in Diana’s formulations? Water is an unavoidable ingredient in most cases. Water is part of juices, extracts, acids and it is part of the process deriving essential oils, hydrosols and other ingredients.

However, water added to the product dilutes the product potency and requires stronger, in most cases not so natural, preserving solution. If you look at the ingredient list, it will be very apparent if water is added into the formula, it will be the first ingredient on the list. Added water can be easily substituted with more beneficial liquids like juices, extracts and hydrosols.

Water is a liquid. Not all liquids have same molecular structure and atom size. That will determine penetrability depth and absorption. A common mistake is that we need water to hydrate the skin. Water by itself is not hydrating. As a matter of fact, it cannot even penetrate deeper than two top layers of the skin. Top layers of the skin is constructed from flattened dead skin cells. Hydrating this layer has no effect on skin hydration.

Active Ingredients

Natural does not mean bland. There are plenty of ways to extract from plants to have just as good, if not better results than synthetic produced ingredients. Think about it, it is the same as in the pharmaceutical industry, chemists are trying to produce the effects of what already exists in nature.



Inside and out, Diana Ralys Skin Health is sustainable. Quality of ingredients without harsh preservatives make every product biodegradable. What we use on our bodies will eventually end up in the oceans and soil. Be sure that your personal care products are safe once they are washed down the drain. When shopping personal care products, we have a duty to not only think about ourselves but what happens to the product once it reaches the ecosystem. Are the ingredients biodegradable? Will they impact the ecosystem negatively in any way? Have you heard about the coral reefs reacting to SPF? (Some countries/states do not allow certain SPF ingredients as it is killing the coral reefs) Have you heard about micro plastics in the oceans? If you've ever had a product that has "beads" for exfoliation, those are micro plastics that "exfoliate" your skin but also never leave this earth as plastic lingers for generations).


Diana Ralys Skin Health is exclusively packaged in glass. Glass is the ONLY way to package skincare. Packaging matters as much as what is inside of it. We want skin care that delivers results. That requires active ingredients, like acids, enzymes, and essential oils. These active ingredients DO react with plastic material. Particles of the plastic will end up being part of the skin care product. Some plastic is less toxic than others, but it is still plastic, and if we were not intending to adding plastic as an ingredient, we should not package it in plastic. Natural products may not be as pure anymore, after sitting in plastic jar or bottle for a while. Do you use plastic Tupperware? Have you ever noticed that after having food in the container, it’s often hard to get the smell out? Especially if it has been sitting for a while. Same with skincare, organic materials interact with plastic because plastic is porous.

Ecologically plastic is terrible for our planet. Depending on the plastic, it takes from 400 to 1000 years to decompose. Glass is much more recyclable. Simply breaking down the glass and melting it, we can produce new glass. Glass is the only material that will not react with any ingredients. So it is better for us and the environment.

Minimal Waste
With Diana Ralys Skin Health: skincare made in small batches inherently has less waste. In the making process, instead of having large vats where ingredients and final product can be hard to reach to get out, we make products in small batches no larger than 1-2 gallons. Which leads to less product expiration as turn over is quick, as soon as the product is sold out a new batch is ready, product turn around being on the shelf is less than 3-6 months. Not only does that mean that you as the client have the most fresh product, it allows for us to have less waste for the planet.

Recyling Program

Bring in your empties and get $2 off your new purchase! *Must be the blue label/clear bottles. One-for-one, bring in a bottle get $2 off your purchase of one item, bring in two bottles, purchase two items at $2 off each etc… Cannot take rainchecks, recycling and discount must be used on the same day.

Have you heard of this term? Greenwashing is when a company or organization spends more time and money on marketing themselves as environmentally friendly than on minimizing their environmental impact. It is a deceitful advertising gimmick intended to mislead consumers who prefer to buy goods and services from environmentally conscious brands. This is why it is important to learn how to read the ingredient list and get to know who runs the companies you purchase from. Just becuase it says "natural" doesn't mean the ingredients tell the same story. A lot of companies are also under an umbrella of a larger company. Think for example how what may look like a small company is actually owned but a large conglomerate.

You are apart of our Sustainable journey. By shopping with us you are actively helping us build a more sustainable future.