Bio-Stimulation massage with Rose Quartz

Bio-Stimulation massage with Rose Quartz

Massaging your face multiple times a week with BioStimulation Rose Quartz Beauty Stone can smooth out fine lines, wrinkles, help with swelling, under eye puffiness and reduce other signs of aging. You’ll be rejuvenating your skin with energy of the rose quartz acting as a natural Bio-energy-face-lift.

What is Schumann Resonance and why it is important for your health

What is Schumann Resonance and why it is important for your health

Mother Earth’s natural heartbeat rhythm is the frequency of 7.83 Hz, also known as the “Schumann Resonance". A 7.83 Hz frequency is an alpha/theta brainwave frequency in the human brain. Alpha/Theta brainwave frequency is relaxed, dreamy, sleepy state, that is also when cell regeneration and healing happens. … the frequency of radiofrequency electromagnetic radiation (what powers cell phones, tvs, radio etc) ranges from 30,000 Hz to 300 Billion Hz. That is a significant amount more than 7.83 Hz that the earth radiates. No wonder we are all out of balance and crave healing.

Skin Care 101 Video

Skin Care 101 Video

Skin care is not just caring for your facial skin. It has to include scalp, neck, decollete, rest of your body. I will talk about:

Seasons, lifestyle, age and how it affects the skin.

Dry vs dehydrated skin. 

How to choose your Treatment. 

What does it take for skin to regenerate?

Ingredient knowledge