Radiance Wellness Club Events


Every last Friday of the month, we gather for Radiance Wellness Club Events. Each month the topic is different. It is a free educational event and all are welcome. We ask that you sign up before hand to ensure we have a seat for you as space is limited.

What is the proper skin care routine? What steps do I need to take on a daily basis versus weekly versus monthly? What is the difference between at home care and professional treatments? All these questions and more will be answered in our Skin Care Education series presented by Diana Ralys.

Whole Body Wellness August 31st 6pm


Past Events:

July 27th 6pm Skin Firming

June 8th 6pm Nourishment + Protection

May 25th 6pm Exfoliation

May 11th 6pm Cleansing

April 27th: Meditation YouTube recap

March 30th: Skin 101 YouTube recap

February 23rd: Reiki Healing YouTube recap